The Rules of Life

Reef Fish
Lynn was dozing on the bus when they came to her. Fourteen strange creatures, the rules of life, confronted her and demanded to know why they were being ignored. After all, she had written a book about them 15 years ago.
Why was she ignoring them?

Navigating Life Through Turbulent Tides began with an idea. What if the rules, principles, and
values by which someone lived and taught could come to them in person
and explain why everything felt so wrong? What if they could explain,
clarify, and update those rules, principles and values?

I watched my daughter as she began to
put her ideas into words. I saw her envision each principle and then
record their conversation. I found her work, and her words inspiring. 

She calls it the creative process. 

I call

These strange creatures were all talking at once. They decided to take turns visiting her subconscious and explaining who they are and why they are important.
The next day, it was cause and effects turn. They visited Lynn as a two headed being. What ensued was an adventure with the fourteen rules of life.

When I read the book, I understood this is a book to study and make part of my life. The rules of life should not be ignored. Incorporate them into your life and be closer to your subconscious.

Creatives depend on their subconscious. As I wrote this review, my subconscious guided my fingers. I’ve been thinking about how to write this for a month. This morning my thoughts and my fingers were guided by my subconscious.

I keep a note pad and pen with me to catch my flash of genius or solution to a problem before my subconscious thought are

Navigating Life Through Turbulent
began with an idea. What if the rules, principles, and
values by which someone lived and taught could come to them in person
and explain why everything felt so wrong? What if they could explain,
clarify, and update those rules, principles and values?

I watched my daughter as she began to
put her ideas into words. I saw her envision each principle and then
record their conversation. I found her work, and her words inspiring. 

She calls it the creative process. 

I call

lost from my memory.

Check it out on Amazon. The Kindle version is free.

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